Gofire Inc.

Live with confidence.
Relief is in your hands.

Find DoseCode products best suited for you.

find your dose

Live with confidence.
Relief is in your hands.

Find DoseCode products best suited for you.

find your dose

1. Find DoseCode products

Look for Gofire DoseCodes on a variety of plant-based medicines from your favorite manufacturers. Use the Gofire App or store locator below to find DoseCode products today.


2. Scan your DoseCode

Manage your plant-based medicine no matter its form. Scan a DoseCode through the Gofire App to learn more about your edibles, topicals, and tinctures.

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3. Track your medicine

Track every aspect of your session to learn from your experiences. DoseCodes store the chemical profile of each product so the app can tell you exactly what's in each dose.

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